Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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file {u.can.on.6}
# u.can.on.6 : last updated Tue Aug 3 20:04:33 1993
# Corrections to the contents of this file should be sent to any one of:
# path@cs.toronto.edu, path@cs.utoronto.ca, utai!path
# Please edit the map entry suitably and remember to update the #W line.
# If you wish to register your site as a subdomain under the Canadian
# top-level domain (.ca) or want related information, please contact:
# registry@cs.toronto.edu, registry@cs.utoronto.ca, utai!registry
# For information about registering under any of .edu, .com, .gov etc,
# please contact domain-request@uunet.uu.net or uunet!domain-request.
#N tsltor
#F uunet.ca
#S Sparcstation 2; SunOS 4.1.1
#O Teleride Sage Limited
#C Brian D. Taylor
#E tsltor!postmaster
#T +1 416 596 1940
#P 156 Front St W, Toronto, Ontario
#L 43 45 00 N / 79 15 05 W
#R Software for the Transit Industry; VAX/VMS & UNIX & DOS
#U itcyyz
#W tsltor!briant (Brian Taylor); Mon Jun 1 15:23:46 EDT 1992
tsltor = teleride.on.ca
tsltor .teleride.on.ca(LOCAL),
itcyyz(DIRECT+HIGH), # mail, upstream news
uunet.ca(HOURLY+HIGH), # internet forwarder, mail
tsltorv(DEDICATED), # VAX connection
thinker(DIRECT), # mail, newsfeed
dweomer(EVENING) # Local user's UNIX host, mail
#N tslwat
#F uunet.ca
#S AMI 386 clone; Interactive 386/ix 2.0.2
#O Teleride Sage Limited
#C Brian Taylor
#E tslwat!postmaster
#T +1 416 596 1940
#P 13 Wildwood Place, Waterloo, ON N2L 4B2
#L 43 28 N / 80 31 W city
#R Software for the Transit Industry
#U mks
#W tslwat!briant (Brian Taylor); Thu Apr 15 00:54:19 EDT 1993
tslwat = research.teleride.on.ca
tslwat .research.teleride.on.ca(LOCAL), # Authoritative domain
dweomer(HOURLY+HIGH), # Email, UUCP
mks(EVENING+FAST), # Newsfeed
<uunet.ca>(HOURLY+HIGH) # Email, Internet forwarder
#N tsypac1, sypac.com
#F uunet.ca
#S Solbourne; SunOS
#O SYPAC Corporation
#C Tony Lobo
#E tlobo@sypac.com
#T +1 416 670 9724
#P 102-1550 Enterprise Rd Missisauga, ON, L4W 4P4
#L 43 32 N / 79 42 W city
#U uunet.ca
#W postmaster@uunet.ca (The Postmaster); Wed Jun 24 16:50:25 EDT 1992
tsypac1 = sypac.com
tsypac1 sypac.com(LOCAL), .sypac.com(LOCAL)
tsypac1 <uunet.ca>(DIRECT), torsqnt(DIRECT)
#N turnip
#S Amiga3000; AmigaDOS
#O Darren's Basement
#C Darren Brocklehurst
#E turnip!root
#T +1 519 725 3800
#P 303-102 Seagram Drive, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3B8
#L 43 27 N / 80 29 W city
#R This is a leaf node used for mail purposes
#U tdkcs
#W timk@tdkcs.waterloo.on.ca (Tim Kuehn); Tue Dec 8 19:00:12 PST 1992
turnip tdkcs(DAILY) # mail and partial news feed (2400)
#N tvo, tvo.on.ca
#F uunet.ca
#S Generic PC 386; ISC UNIX
#O TVOntario
#C Dick Combeer, Sandra Foard
#E tvo!root, root@tvo.on.ca
#T +1 416 484 2632
#P P.O. Box 200 Station Q Toronto, Ontario, M4T 2T1
#L 43 38 N / 79 22 W city
#R TVOntario UUCP/IP gateway machine
#U uunet.ca
#W postmaster@uunet.ca (The Postmaster); Mon Feb 10 15:29:37 EST 1992
tvo = tvo.on.ca
tvo tvo.on.ca(LOCAL), .tvo.on.ca(LOCAL)
tvo uunet.ca(DIRECT)
#N txbase2
#S Sun SPARC station IPC; SunOS 4.1.1
#O TXbase Systems Inc.
#C Anish Shah, Roger Abbott
#E txbase2!anish, txbase2!dev
#T +1 416 771 8100
#P 225 East Beaver Creek Rd., 2nd Floor, Richmond Hill, Ont, Canada L4B3P4
#L 43 39 N / 79 20 W city
#W txbase2!anish (Anish Shah); Fri Feb 7 12:52:49 EST 1992
txbase2 becker(DIRECT+FAST), hybrid(DIRECT+FAST)
#N u36
#F uunet.ca
#S Intel i386; BSD 4.3+
#O KW Net
#C Sean Goggin
#E sean@mks.com
#T +1 519 725 2289
#P Apartment 410, 55 Blue Springs Drive, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2J 4T3
#L 43 27 26 N / 80 32 50 W
#R We are converting our WAN to IP and so stuff is flaky at the moment.
#W sean@u36.kwnet.on.ca (Sean A. Goggin); Tue Jun 15 00:00:00 GMT 1993
.kwnet.on.ca = {u36,rogue}(DIRECT)
u36 .kwnet.on.ca
u36 mks(DIRECT),
#N uccdp, unitedch.org
#F uunet.ca
#S 486 PC; SVR4.2
#O The United Church of Canada
#C David Mason
#E vid@unitedch.org
#T +1 416 925 4850 x1351
#P 85 St. Clair Ave E. Toronto, ON, M4T 1M8
#L 43 41 06 N / 79 23 34 W
#U uunet.ca
#W postmaster@uunet.ca (The Postmaster); Tue Mar 23 12:39:16 EST 1993
uccdp = unitedch.org
uccdp unitedch.org(LOCAL), .unitedch.org(LOCAL)
uccdp uunet.ca(DIRECT)
#N unik
#S DOS MKS V4.1;
#O Randall K. Steeves
#C Randall K. Steeves
#E unik!rsteeves
#T +1 416 461 1572
#P 296 Glebeholme Blvd, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
#L 43 40 N / 079 23 W city
#U robohack
#W unik!rsteeves (Randall K. Steeves); Mon Apr 19 23:30:00 EDT 1993
unik robohack(DIRECT)
#N unilabs
#S AT&T 3B1; AT&T UNIX Release 3.51m
#O UniLabs Research Group
#C Chris Hare
#E unilabs!chare
#T +1 613 830 8577
#P 2735A Innes Rd, Gloucester Ont
#L 45 25 N / 75 43 W city
#U unilabs.org
#W unilabs!chare (Chris Hare); Wed Apr 14 06:53:34 EDT 1993
unilabs choreo(DIRECT)
#N united
#S IBM-AT compatible 386/33; SCO Xenix 386 Version 2.3.4
#O United System Solutions Inc.
#C Stephen M. Dunn
#E united!postmaster
#T +1 416 750 7946
#P 104 Carnforth Road, Toronto, ON M4A 2K7
#L 43 31 N / 79 23 W city
#W united!steved (Stephen M. Dunn); Thu Jan 14 19:04:15 EST 1993
united xrtll(DAILY/4), # email only
becker(DAILY/4), # email only
hybrid(DAILY/2) # some inbound news
#N unitelns, oss.unitel.ca
#F uunet.ca
#S Sun SparcStation; SunOS
#O Unitel Communications Inc.
#C Ross Yoshida, Imran Bashir
#E ryoshida@oss.unitel.ca, ibashir@oss.unitel.ca
#T +1 416 345 2759
#P 200 Wellington St. West, Suite 1001 Toronto, ON, M5V 3C7
#L 43 38 N / 79 22 W city
#U uunet.ca
#W postmaster@uunet.ca (The Postmaster); Fri Feb 19 11:47:40 EST 1993
unitelns = oss.unitel.ca
unitelns oss.unitel.ca(LOCAL), .oss.unitel.ca(LOCAL)
unitelns uunet.ca(DIRECT)
#N uotcsi2, csi.uottawa.ca
#F csi.uottawa.ca
#S Sun 3/60; SunOS 4.1
#O University of Ottawa, Department of Computer Science
#C Keith White, Michel Racine
#E postmaster@csi.uottawa.ca, kwhite@csi.uottawa.ca, michel@csi.uottawa.ca
#T +1 613 564 5455, +1 613 564 5424
#P 34 George Glinsky, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA K1N 6N5
#L 45 25 N / 75 42 W city
#U nott revcan geovision cunews
#W kwhite@csi.uottawa.ca (Keith White); Mon Mar 8 09:31:21 EST 1993
uotcsi2 .uofo.edu(LOCAL)
uotcsi2 .csi.uofo.edu(LOCAL), .csi.uottawa.ca(LOCAL)
uotcsi2= csi.uottawa.ca, csi0.csi.uottawa.ca
uotcsi2= csi2, csi2.uofo.edu, uofo.edu, csi2.csi.uofo.edu
uotcsi2= csi2.csi.uottawa.ca, uotcsi2.bitnet
uotcsi2 nrcaer(DEMAND), tomqnx(DEAD), bragotrt(DEAD)
uotcsi2 cognos(DEAD), quantum(DEAD), uplow(HOURLY)
uotcsi2 cunews(DIRECT)
#N utai, uucp.cs.toronto.edu, .cs.toronto.edu, .cs.utoronto.ca
#S Sparcstation 2; SunOS 4.1.2
#O AI & Numerical Analysis & Computational Theory, University of Toronto
#C Ken Lalonde, John Morton, Rayan Zachariassen
#E utai!postmaster
#T +1 416 978 3695
#P 10 King's College Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A4
#L 43 39 35 N / 79 23 45 W
#R This machine is on the U of Toronto local-area network. See utcsri.
#U geac
#W utai!ken (Ken Lalonde); Thu Nov 5 02:21:11 EST 1992
# Scads of Suns, SGIs et al, supporting R&D in Artificial Intelligence,
# Numerical Analysis, and Computational Complexity and Theory.
# utai!path maintains the Canadian portion of the UUCP map.
# News feed is really from utjarvis, we just act
# as an NNTP -> UUCP converter.
uucp.cs.toronto.edu = utai, cs.utoronto.ca, cs.toronto.edu, ai.toronto.edu
# LOCAL for ONet connections or UofT LAN links.
# DIRECT for local Telebit connections.
# DEMAND for sites that connect over the Canadian Internet.
# HOURLY for sites that connect over the US Internet.
# EVENING for long-distance or expensive Telebit calls.
# POLLED for people who poll us, often long-distance.
uucp.cs.toronto.edu alberta(DEMAND), c-art-w(POLLED), calgary(DEMAND),
canstar(DIRECT), cressy(POLLED), cs.utexas.edu(HOURLY),
cunews(POLLED), dalcs(EVENING), elastic(POLLED), ericsun(POLLED),
gatech(HOURLY), geac(DIRECT), imax(DIRECT),
lsuc(DEMAND), mipscan(POLLED), ontogs(DIRECT), ria(DEMAND),
roboco(POLLED), rutgers(HOURLY), sciex(POLLED),
sobeco(POLLED), schifman(POLLED), torsqnt(DIRECT), ubc-cs(DEMAND),
utzoo(LOCAL+HIGH), <uunet.ca>(EVENING), watmath(DEMAND),
xenitec(POLLED), yunexus(DEAD)
#N utas
#S Sun 3/280S; SunOS 4.1
#O Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto
#C Russell Sutherland
#E utas!russ
#T +1 416 978 5140
#P 100 St. George Street, UofT, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5S 1A1
#L 43 40 N / 79 24 W city
#W utas!russ (Russell Sutherland); Mon Feb 1 22:42:30 EST 1993
utas utzoo(HOURLY), nextwave(HOURLY)
#N utcsri, .csri.toronto.edu, .csri.utoronto.ca, .toronto.edu, .utoronto.ca
#S Suns, suns, and more suns; SunOS 4.1
#O Computer Systems Research Institute, University of Toronto
#C Sandra Smith, Edwin Allum
#E utcsri!root
#T +1 416 978 8715
#P 6 King's College Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A1
#L 43 39 35 N / 79 23 45 W
#R This machine is on the U of Toronto local-area network.
#U utgpu qucdn.queensu.ca rpi ubc-cs utzoo helios.physics.toronto.edu
#U rutgers news-server.ecf.toronto.edu bonnie.concordia.ca cs.utexas.edu
#U torsqnt
#W utcsri!edwin (Edwin Allum); Fri Mar 20 10:26:28 EST 1992
# CSRI is an interdisciplinary group formed to conduct research and
# development in the design, implementation and operating characteristics
# of complex computing systems, and to see that the results of these
# investigations are used to improve information processing in business,
# government and universities.
# utcsri is one of the 3 mail/news gateways on campus, and supports
# all CSRI/ECF/EE machines. This cluster is known as csri.toronto.edu
csri.toronto.edu = utcsri, utcsrgv, toronto, csri.utoronto.ca
# University of Toronto LAN gateways:
# Primary gateways, these have their own map entries for connectivity.
UofTdom-gw = { csri.toronto.edu, cs.toronto.edu, ugw.utcs.toronto.edu,
zoo.toronto.edu }(0)
UofTdom-gw <utstat.toronto.edu>(10) # no through-traffic
UofTdom-gw <gpu.utcs.toronto.edu>(10) # no through-traffic
# hub connects to canstar, turing to hsa.
UofTdom-gw hub.toronto.edu(10), turing.toronto.edu(10)
# Until the great shakeout, we have network-based domain names.
UofTdom-gw = .toronto.edu, .utoronto.ca
# miscellaneous connections
csri.toronto.edu sq.com(DEDICATED) # SoftQuad Inc.
turing.toronto.edu hsa(DEDICATED) # Holt Software Associates Inc.
# Well-known domains at UofT
# ai Artificial Intelligence group
# artsci Arts and Science Faculty
# astro Astronomy group
# cdf Computing Disciplines Facility
# ccie Centre for Computer Integrated Engineering
# chem Department of Chemistry
# cita Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
# civ Department of Civil Engineering
# clsc Centre for Large Scale Computation
# comm Communications group
# control Systems Control group
# cs Computer Science research computing facility
# csri Computer Systems Research Institute
# db Database and Office Information Systems group
# dgp Dynamic Graphics Project
# ecf Engineering Computing Facility
# eecg Electrical Engineering Computer Group
# ele Power Devices and Control Group
# fly Parallel Compiler project
# geog Geography Department
# hector Hector project
# hub Hubnet group
# manitou Astrophysics, Scarborough Campus
# math Department of Mathematics
# me Department of Mechanical Engineering
# mgmt Faculty of Management Studies
# na Numerical Analysis
# phm Department of Pharmacy
# physics Department of Physics
# psych Department of Psychology
# rose Rosebrugh Building (Industrial Eng. + Biomedics)
# scar Scarborough Campus
# theory Computation Theory
# tunis TUNIS project
# turing Turing development group
# utcs University of Toronto Computing Services
# utstat Department of Statistics
# vis Vision and Robotics group
# vrg VLSI Research group
# waves Wave Sciences group
# white Distributed OS project
# zoo Department of Zoology
#N utdoe, doe.utoronto.ca, doe.toronto.edu
#F gpu.utcc.utoronto.ca
#S Sun 4/75; SunOS 4.1.2
#O Dictionary of Old English Project - University of Toronto
#C Tak Ariga
#E utdoe!usenet
#T +1 416 978 8883
#P Rm. 14285 - 130 St. George St., Toronto, ON, M5S 1A1, CANADA
#L 43 40 N / 79 24 W city
#R We run: Mail, News, DBMS, Venue Medley Lisp Development Environment
#U utzoo scilink torag
#W utdoe!tak (Tak Ariga); Mon Jul 5 12:47:21 EDT 1993
# Utdoe is known in-house as "sibb" which means "peace" in
# Old English. Other machines include "lufu", "riht" and
# "wisdom", which translate into "love", "justice" and "wisdom"
# respectively. These names were inspired by Micah 6:8.
utdoe = doe.utoronto.ca, doe.toronto.edu
utdoe .doe.utoronto.ca(LOCAL), .doe.toronto.edu(LOCAL)
utdoe <generic>(DIRECT+LOW), # 2400/V.32
ionews(DIRECT), # Telebit/V.32
<jaysboxx>(DIRECT+LOW), # 2400
klnet(DIRECT+LOW), # V.32
lsuc(DIRECT), # Telebit
<micasa>(DEAD), # 2400, call us only
# Not really dead, just hibernating.
<samto>(DIRECT), # 2400, call us only
scilink(DIRECT), # Telebit
<redstorm>(DIRECT+LOW), # 2400
<tash>(DIRECT), # 2400, call us only
torag(DIRECT), # Telebit
utzoo(DIRECT) # Telebit
#N utgpu
#S Sun 4/490; SunOS 4.1.1
#O University of Toronto Computing Services
#C Tom Molnar
#E utgpu!usg
#T +1 416 978 8853, +1 416 978 6946
#P UTCS, 255 Huron St., Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 1A1
#L 43 39 37 N / 79 23 55 W
#R This machine is on the U of Toronto local-area network.
#U torn attcan utcsri utzoo utorvm
#W utgpu!pkern (Paul Kern); Wed Dec 23 11:47:01 EST 1992
# Gpu.utcs is a general purpose commercial timeshared service.
gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca = utcs, utgpu, utcs.toronto.edu, utcs.utoronto.ca
# For detail on the University of Toronto LAN see the utcsri entry
#N utnut
#S Sun SPARCstation IPX; SunOS 4.1.2
#O University of Toronto - Computing and Communications
#C B. Erlebacher, P. Kern
#E usenet@utcc.utoronto.ca
#T +1 416 978 4757, +1 416 978 6946
#P UTCC, 255 Huron St., Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 1A1
#L 43 39 37 N / 79 23 55 W
#R We don't really do UUCP here. All news is via NNTP.
#U torn utgpu utzoo utcsri utorvm cs.utexas.edu
#U cdf.toronto.edu cquest.toronto.edu oci.utoronto.ca
#W utgpu!pkern (P Kern); Wed Feb 24 13:09:07 EST 1993
# nut.utcc is UTCC's news-hub for U of Toronto.
utnut = nut.utcc.utoronto.ca
utnut utgpu(LOCAL)
# For detail on the University of Toronto LAN see the utcsri entry
#N utopia, utopia.druid.com
#S Intel 486DX; SLS Linux
#O Dan Astoorian
#C Dan Astoorian
#E djast@utopia
#T +1 416 803 0143
#P 4205 Shipp Drive #407, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L4Z 2Y9
#L 43 32 N / 79 41 W city
#W djast@utopia (Dan Astoorian); Wed May 26 08:22:06 EDT 1993
utopia = utopia.druid.com
utopia utopia.druid.com(LOCAL), .utopia.druid.com(LOCAL)
utopia druid(DIRECT)
#N utscs
#S NCR Tower 800; NCR UNIX System V rel 2
#O University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies
#C Steven D. Brewer
#E utscs!root
#T +1 416 978 5668
#P SCS, 158 St George Street, Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 1A1
#L 43 39 37 N / 79 23 55 W
#W utscs!steven (Steven D. Brewer); Sat Jun 12 15:40:01 EST 1993
utscs = scs.utoronto.ca, scs.toronto.edu
utscs utgpu(EVENING)
#N utstat
#S SGI 4D220; SGI System V R3 UNIX (Irix) Release 4.0.5
#O University of Toronto, Statistics
#C Tom Glinos
#E utstat!tg
#T +1 416 978 4302
#P 100 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A1
#L 43 39 37 N / 79 23 55 W
#R Replaces the Sun 3, which replaces utcsstat, the 11/70.
#U helios.physics.toronto.edu
#W utstat!tg (Tom Glinos); Thu Feb 11 11:20:55 EST 1993
# This machine is on the U of Toronto local-area network. See utcsri.
# This machine is also a fileserver for the Dept. of Statistics.
# utstatsun: Sun 3/160S-20; Sun UNIX 4.2 Release 3.5
# and a slew of X terminals
# real names (old synonyms, some day to disappear)
utstat = utfraser, utcsstat
# domain names
utstat = utstat.toronto.edu, stat.toronto.edu,
utstat.utoronto.ca, stat.utoronto.ca
# could be worse; we aren't vax.cancer-clinical-trials-unit.birmingham.ac.uk.
#N utugw
#S SUN 3/280S-24; SunOS 3.5x UNIX
#O University of Toronto Computing Services
#C Tom Molnar
#E utgpu!usg
#T +1 416 978 8853, +1 416 978 6946
#P UTCS, 255 Huron St., Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 1A1
#L 43 39 37 N / 79 23 55 W
#R This machine is the UofT NetNorth to Internet gateway.
#W utgpu!pkern (P Kern); Mon Mar 30 01:20:23 EST 1992
ugw.utcs.utoronto.ca = utugw,ugw.utcs.toronto.edu
# For detail on the University of Toronto LAN see the utcsri entry
#N utype
#S Intel 386-40MHz; MS-DOS 5.0
#O Microtype Inc
#C Jorge Olenewa
#E utype!jorge
#T +1 416 283 4632
#P 33 Rowallan Drive, Scarborough, Ontario. M1E 2Y5
#L 43 40 N / 79 23 W city
#R email, news
#W amaron!nick (Nick Pemberton); Sat Jan 9 17:12:23 EST 1993
# Microtype specializes in recommending and integrating systems
# for home office and small businesses with particular emphasis
# on Marketing Databases.
utype amaron(DIRECT) # mail and partial news feed
#N utzoo
#S Sun 3/180S; SunOS 3.5
#O University of Toronto, Zoology Dept.
#C Henry Spencer
#E utzoo!usenet
#T +1 416 978 6060
#P Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 1A1
#L 43 40 N / 79 24 W city
#R ex-Usenet backbone site, ex-major mail/news hub for Eastern Canada.
#U dciem censor utdoe utnut
#W utzoo!henry (Henry Spencer); Tue Apr 20 16:20:13 EDT 1993
# Supports research and teaching in the largest and most disorganized
# zoology department in the western hemisphere. First Usenet site in
# Canada, and still a minor communications hub. We do mostly text
# processing, with small-but-growing user communities in statistics
# and database work.
# Link to mks doesn't really exist, but certain wretchedly stupid programs
# apparently cannot grasp the notion of a unidirectional link.
utzoo = zoo.toronto.edu, zoo.utoronto.ca
utzoo attcan(DIRECT+LOW), canstar(DIRECT),
censor(DIRECT+LOW), chp(DIRECT), dciem(DIRECT+LOW),
eci386(DIRECT), empress(DIRECT),
generic(DIRECT), hoptoad(WEEKLY), idc(DIRECT),
imax(DIRECT), lethe(DIRECT),
lsuc(DIRECT), micasa(WEEKLY+LOW), mks(DEAD),
pyramid(WEEKLY), redvax(DIRECT), resunix(DIRECT),
rom(DAILY), scocan(DIRECT),
sq(DIRECT), tacx40(DIRECT),
telly(DIRECT), tls(DIRECT), tmsoft(DIRECT), trigraph(DIRECT),
utai(LOCAL), utas(DIRECT), utcsri(DIRECT),
utdoe(DIRECT+LOW), utstat(LOCAL), utzbee(DIRECT), wildcan(DAILY)
#N uubrew, brewers.com
#F uunet.ca
#S Sun IPC; SunOS 4.1.3
#O Brewers Retail Inc.
#C Chris Hutchison, Lawrence Sander
#E chutchis@brewers.com, lsander@brewers.com
#T +1 416 277 7464
#P Suite 1700 1 City Centre Drive Mississauga, ON, L5B 4A6
#L 45 19 N / 75 50 W city
#U uunet.ca
#W postmaster@uunet.ca (The Postmaster); Sat May 29 21:47:14 EDT 1993
uubrew = brewers.com
uubrew brewers.com(LOCAL), .brewers.com(LOCAL)
uubrew uunet.ca(DIRECT)
#N uuisis
#S Intel 386; SCO UNIX System V
#O ISIS - International Shared Information Service
#C Rick Beetham
#E uuisis!postmaster
#T +1 613 823 6539
#P 81 Tartan Drive, Nepean, Ontario, K2J 3V6
#L 42 25 N / 75 42 W city
#U cerianthus
#W uuisis!rjbeeth (Rick Beetham); Fri Jan 29 01:00:00 EST 1993
uuisis .isis.org(DIRECT)
uuisis= uuisis.isis.org
uuisis uunet.ca(DEMAND),
dy4(DAILY), #Dy4 Systems
ecsa(DAILY), #CUSO Ottawa
idrc(DAILY), #International Development Research Council
msl(DAILY), #MicroStar Software (Nepean)
plntree(DAILY), #Pine Tree Systems
testsys(DAILY), #DistNet Software
skanadm(DAILY), #Skan Communications Inc
#N uunet.ca, .uunet.ca, uunet-ca, uunetca
#S SparcStation 2; SunOS 4.1.1
#O UUNET Canada, Inc.
#C Tom Glinos, Sean Doran
#E postmaster@uunet.ca
#T +1 416 368 6621
#P 1 Yonge St., Suite 1400, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5E 1J9
#L 43 38 32 N / 79 22 26 W
#U ablelink acumen arrisdev bdofed canrem caravan cerbrus choreo
#U cmrra cognos consensys crmcg.com cyberca datarev datarev2 demon
#U denali dlomas ecicrl edm.ncp.com electro elegant eridani flemol
#U frumious fultech geac geomatics.burl geomatics.guelph hombas husky
#U hyper iatco iatech idc imax infodes infopol intgrl itcyyz jacc
#U jericho kink linkage lira ltg math.ohio-state.edu mercer mersys
#U metrotor mitra moore musecorp ndigital neotext news2 nmx ohcscc
#U ohpspd ohpspd.job.feed ohrd pegasys pscinc psti pucnet rgdc sangeo
#U saolgate sdm sidefx siemtor softbbs southprt spctrm swouug
#U synapse.org torn torn torrie trimark tsltor uunet vizbiz wacss web
#U xgml zentron zeus
#W postmaster@uunet.ca (The Postmaster); Mon Aug 2 08:00:04 EDT 1993
uunet.ca .uunet.ca(LOCAL)
uunet.ca = uunet-ca
uunet.ca = uunetca
# For people who only use the Canadian maps from can.uucp.maps.
uunet = uunet.uu.net
uunet.ca uunet(DEDICATED)
# There are 364 domains and 375 uucp entries listed in this map
uunet.ca ablelink.org(DIRECT), <aca.ca>(DIRECT), <acumen.ca>(DIRECT),
<adscorp.on.ca>(DIRECT), <aircanada.ca>(DIRECT), <alcatel.ca>(DIRECT),
<algorithmics.com>(DIRECT), allross.com(DIRECT),
<alphen.on.ca>(DIRECT), <altec.com>(DIRECT), <amaron.com>(DIRECT),
<amdahlcsdc.com>(DIRECT), anixter.com(DIRECT), <apotex.ca>(DIRECT),
<arete.ca>(DIRECT), <arris.on.ca>(DIRECT), <ashlin.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<astrapharma.on.ca>(DIRECT), <atitech.ca>(DEDICATED),
<att.ca>(DIRECT), <avec.com>(DIRECT), <bandr.com>(DIRECT),
<bdofed.etobicoke.on.ca>(DIRECT), <bell.ca>(DEDICATED),
<belsys.com>(DIRECT), <beltrix.guild.org>(DIRECT),
<blueberry.guild.org>(DIRECT), <bluecross.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<bmo.com>(DIRECT), <braegen.com>(DIRECT), <brennan.org>(DIRECT),
<brewers.com>(DIRECT), <brs.qc.ca>(DIRECT), <bubbletech.com>(DIRECT),
<burlington.geomatics.on.ca>(DIRECT), <butler.willow.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<cac.toronto.ibm.com>(DEDICATED), <cac.toronto.ibm.com>(DIRECT),
<cadcam-sol.com>(DIRECT), <cal.digidyne.com>(DIRECT),
<callstream.com>(DIRECT), <canrem.com>(DEDICATED),
<canstar.com>(DIRECT), <caravan-con.toronto.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<caswell.com>(DIRECT), <cch.com>(DEDICATED), <cerberus.com>(DIRECT),
<choreo.ca>(DEDICATED), <city.mississauga.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<cmi.on.ca>(DIRECT), <cmrra.ca>(DIRECT), cn.ca(DIRECT),
<cng.com>(DIRECT), cnhq.com(DIRECT),
<coast-peripherals.bc.ca>(DIRECT), <cognos.com>(DIRECT),
<comdev.ca>(DIRECT), <comnetix.com>(DIRECT), <compus.ca>(DIRECT),
<compusystems.com>(DIRECT), <computeractive.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<computerland.ca>(DIRECT), <comspec.com>(DIRECT),
<conamara.com>(DIRECT), consensys.com(DIRECT), <contrad.com>(DIRECT),
<conxsys.on.ca>(DIRECT), <cp.ca>(DIRECT), <crmcg.com>(DIRECT),
<csi.on.ca>(DEDICATED), <cspace.comspec.com>(DIRECT),
cyantic.com(DIRECT), <cyberlink.com>(DIRECT),
<datacorp.montreal.qc.ca>(DIRECT), datarev.com(DIRECT),
<dehavilland.ca>(DEDICATED), <delphax.com>(DIRECT),
<delrina.com>(DIRECT), <devcan.ca>(DIRECT), <digidyne.com>(DIRECT),
<digifix.com>(DIRECT), <dlomas.com>(DIRECT), <dmz.mks.com>(DEDICATED),
<druid.com>(DIRECT), dvs.com(DIRECT), dweomer.org(DIRECT),
dweomer.teleride.on.ca(DIRECT), <dynatek.ca>(DIRECT),
eastern.com(DIRECT), <edfor.com>(DIRECT), <edm.ncp.com>(DIRECT),
<edtel.ab.ca>(DIRECT), <elegant.com>(DIRECT), <emcon.com>(DIRECT),
emj.ca(DIRECT), empath.on.ca(DIRECT), <enhance.com>(DIRECT),
<eridani.com>(DIRECT), <excalibur.com>(DIRECT),
<exoterica.com>(DIRECT), <eyepoint.com>(DIRECT),
<eyepoint.on.ca>(DIRECT), <faxon.ca>(DEDICATED),
<fdpd-agcan.org>(DIRECT), <ferret.ocunix.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<firstbrands.com>(DIRECT), <fleming.edu>(DIRECT),
focus-systems.on.ca(DIRECT), fujitsu.ca(DEDICATED),
<futuretron.on.ca>(DIRECT), <gallium.com>(DEDICATED),
<gang-nail.com>(DIRECT), <geac.com>(DIRECT),
<genesis-microchip.on.ca>(DIRECT), <geomatics.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<geopower.com>(DIRECT), <geoterrex.ca>(DIRECT), <geoware.com>(DIRECT),
<giffels.com>(DIRECT), <global-travel.on.ca>(DIRECT), gnn.org(DIRECT),
<goal.waterloo.on.ca>(DIRECT), <golddisk.com>(DIRECT),
<group.com>(DIRECT), gtm-inc.com(DIRECT),
<guelph.geomatics.on.ca>(DIRECT), <guild.org>(DIRECT),
gvc.com(DIRECT), <hcc-unisol.com>(DIRECT), hcl.com(DIRECT),
<hibitek.on.ca>(DIRECT), <homebase.com>(DIRECT),
<honeywell.ca>(DIRECT), <hospital.oshawa.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<hpc.com>(DEDICATED), <hub.org>(DEDICATED), <husky.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<hyper.com>(DIRECT), <iatco.com>(DIRECT), <icomos.org>(DIRECT),
<icsca.com>(DIRECT), <idc.com>(DIRECT), <idon.ottawa.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<iffarch.com>(DIRECT), <imainc.com>(DIRECT), <imax.com>(DIRECT),
<imcan.com>(DIRECT), <incontext.ca>(DIRECT),
<infolytica.qc.ca>(DIRECT), <infopol.com>(DIRECT),
<infoware.ca>(DIRECT), <integral.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<interaccess.ca>(DIRECT), <io.org>(DEDICATED), <iotek.ns.ca>(DIRECT),
<ipsa.reuter.com>(DIRECT), <isgtec.com>(DIRECT), isis.org(DIRECT),
<itncorp.ca>(DIRECT), <jacc.com>(DIRECT), jetform.com(DIRECT),
<joymrmn.on.ca>(DIRECT), <jrh.guild.org>(DIRECT), <jts.com>(DIRECT),
<kanatek.ca>(DIRECT), kasten.on.ca(DIRECT), <klg.com>(DIRECT),
<koperwas.org>(DIRECT), <korsa.com>(DIRECT), <kwnet.on.ca>(DIRECT),
learnix.ca(DIRECT), learnix.com(DIRECT), <lexus.com>(DIRECT),
<linkage.com>(DIRECT), <litcosys.on.ca>(DIRECT), <locon.com>(DIRECT),
logibec.com(DIRECT), <logibro.com>(DIRECT), <lotus.ca>(DIRECT),
<love.com>(DIRECT), <lsuc.on.ca>(DEDICATED), <lugroid.com>(DIRECT),
<magra.com>(DIRECT), <mai.ca>(DIRECT), <maplesoft.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<marconi.ca>(DIRECT), <marketdesk.com>(DIRECT), <matrox.com>(DIRECT),
<maxon.ca>(DIRECT), <mdcomp.toronto.on.ca>(DIRECT), <me.org>(DIRECT),
<merisel-ca.com>(DIRECT), <merlin-systems.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<mer-pq.merisel-ca.com>(DIRECT), <mer-tor.merisel-ca.com>(DIRECT),
<mer-vcr.merisel-ca.com>(DIRECT), <mesca.ca>(DIRECT),
<metras.com>(DIRECT), <micor.ocunix.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<midwal.ca>(DIRECT), <mirus.on.ca>(DIRECT), mitel.com(DIRECT),
<mitra.com>(DIRECT), <mitra.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<mks-gate.mks.com>(DEDICATED), <mmilne.com>(DIRECT),
<monenco.ca>(DIRECT), <moore.com>(DIRECT), <mosaid.com>(DIRECT),
<mpbtech.qc.ca>(DIRECT), <mtl.digidyne.com>(DIRECT),
<multipath.com>(DIRECT), <musecorp.com>(DIRECT), <namo.com>(DIRECT),
<nanometrics.on.ca>(DIRECT), <ncp.com>(DIRECT), <ncr.ca>(DIRECT),
ndigital.com(DIRECT), <neotext.ca>(DIRECT), <nertec.com>(DIRECT),
<netnewscd.com>(DIRECT), netrix.on.ca(DIRECT),
<nobis.ottawa.on.ca>(DIRECT), <norlite.com>(DIRECT),
noweh.com(DIRECT), <nybe.north-york.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<objectario.com>(DIRECT), <ocunix.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<ohpspd.com>(DIRECT), ohrd.com(DIRECT), <oln.com>(DIRECT),
<opensys.on.ca>(DIRECT), <ortech.on.ca>(DIRECT), <oti.com>(DIRECT),
<oti.on.ca>(DIRECT), <ottawa.elegant.com>(DIRECT),
<ottawa.geomatics.on.ca>(DIRECT), <ottawa.jade.com>(DIRECT),
<ott.digidyne.com>(DIRECT), <ott.mpr.ca>(DEDICATED),
pci.on.ca(DIRECT), <pcscav.com>(DIRECT), <peer.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<phaedrav.on.ca>(DIRECT), <pinetree.org>(DIRECT),
<pipetronix.com>(DIRECT), <platform.com>(DIRECT),
<pleiades.com>(DIRECT), pmt.com(DIRECT), <pq.merisel-ca.com>(DIRECT),
<prior.com>(DEDICATED), <prism.com>(DIRECT), pscinc.ca(DIRECT),
<psti.com>(DIRECT), <pucnet.com>(DIRECT), <puredata.com>(DIRECT),
<qnetix.ca>(DIRECT), <qnx.com>(DIRECT), <quantum.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<raivac.com>(DIRECT), <rco.qc.ca>(DIRECT), <rct.ca>(DIRECT),
<rd.hydro.on.ca>(DEDICATED), <redrock.com>(DIRECT),
<renzland.org>(DEDICATED), <research.teleride.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<rgbcan.com>(DIRECT), <rgdc.ottawa.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<rmotion.on.ca>(DIRECT), <rogers.com>(DEDICATED),
<rose.com>(DEDICATED), <scheduledsolutions.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<sciex.com>(DEDICATED), <scilink.org>(DEDICATED),
<scotia-mcleod.com>(DIRECT), <seachg.com>(DIRECT), <sgl.com>(DIRECT),
shoppersdrugmart.ca(DIRECT), <sidefx.com>(DIRECT),
<siemens-can.com>(DIRECT), <smos.bc.ca>(DIRECT), <sni.ca>(DEDICATED),
<snsi.com>(DIRECT), <soden.toronto.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<softarc.com>(DIRECT), <softnet.com>(DIRECT), <soliton.com>(DIRECT),
southport.com(DIRECT), southport.on.ca(DIRECT), <spcinv.com>(DIRECT),
<spctrm.com>(DIRECT), <spectr.com>(DIRECT), <sqlx.com>(DIRECT),
<staveley.com>(DIRECT), <steppingstone.com>(DIRECT),
<stss.org>(DIRECT), <sunlife.com>(DIRECT), <sunsys-mb.com>(DIRECT),
<swan.com>(DIRECT), <switchview.com>(DIRECT), <swouug.org>(DIRECT),
<synamics.on.ca>(DIRECT), <synapse.org>(DIRECT),
synchronics.com(DIRECT), <syndesis.com>(DIRECT),
<synectic.on.ca>(DIRECT), <sypac.com>(DIRECT), <tcb.com>(DIRECT),
<tdkcs.waterloo.on.ca>(DIRECT), <techmag.com>(DIRECT),
teleride.on.ca(DIRECT), <telesystems.com>(DIRECT),
<tesuji.qc.ca>(DIRECT), <tgb.com>(DIRECT), <thinkage.com>(DEDICATED),
<thinkage.on.ca>(DEDICATED), <thinkplus.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<timberjack.com>(DIRECT), <tomqnx.com>(DIRECT), <topsys.com>(DIRECT),
<torag.guild.org>(DIRECT), <tor.digidyne.com>(DIRECT),
torinet.com(DIRECT), <tor.merisel-ca.com>(DIRECT),
toronto.datarev.com(DIRECT), <toronto.icomos.org>(DIRECT),
<torrie.org>(DIRECT), <tpci.com>(DIRECT),
<tradart.ottawa.on.ca>(DIRECT), <transys.com>(DIRECT),
<trimark.com>(DIRECT), <trm-technologies.on.ca>(DIRECT),
<truger.ca>(DIRECT), <tsb-intl.ca>(DIRECT), <tse.com>(DEDICATED),
tunix.com(DIRECT), <tvo.on.ca>(DIRECT), <tydac.com>(DIRECT),
<ufa.com>(DIRECT), <uniforum.ca>(DEDICATED), <unilabs.org>(DEDICATED),
<unitedch.org>(DIRECT), <unitel.com>(DIRECT), uuserve.on.ca(DIRECT),
<vcr.digidyne.com>(DIRECT), <vcr.merisel-ca.com>(DIRECT),
<vdhcomp.on.ca>(DIRECT), <virtualprototypes.ca>(DIRECT),
<vizbiz.com>(DIRECT), voskamp.waterloo.on.ca(DIRECT),
<waterloo-rdp.on.ca>(DIRECT), <weston.ca>(DIRECT),
<willow.on.ca>(DIRECT), <wm-mercer.ca>(DIRECT),
<woldring.com>(DIRECT), <wordwright.com>(DIRECT), <world.com>(DIRECT),
<xenitec.on.ca>(DEDICATED), <xgml.com>(DIRECT), <xonxoff.com>(DIRECT),
<yrloc.ipsa.reuter.com>(DIRECT), <yuggoth.org>(DIRECT),
zentronics.ca(DIRECT), <zooid.guild.org>(DEDICATED),
uunet.ca <abitibi>(DIRECT), ablelink(DIRECT), <aca>(DIRECT), <acumen>(DIRECT),
<adscorp>(DIRECT), <aircan>(DIRECT), allross(DIRECT),
<alphen>(DIRECT), <altec>(DIRECT), <amaron>(DIRECT), <apotex>(DIRECT),
<architec>(DIRECT), <aretesw>(DIRECT), <arrisdev>(DIRECT),
<ashlin>(DIRECT), <astracdn>(DIRECT), <attcan>(DIRECT),
<avec>(DIRECT), <bandr>(DIRECT), <bart>(DIRECT), bcsl(HOURLY),
<bdofed>(DIRECT), <beltrix>(DIRECT), <bignose>(DIRECT),
<bkj386>(DIRECT), <braegen>(DIRECT), <brennan>(DIRECT),
<brs386>(DIRECT), <bubblet>(DIRECT), <cadcam1>(DIRECT),
<cancenmd>(DIRECT), <canrem>(DEDICATED), <canstar>(DIRECT),
<caravan>(DIRECT), <caswell>(DIRECT), <cchtor>(DEDICATED),
<cerbrus>(DIRECT), choreo(DEDICATED), <cland>(DIRECT),
<cmrra>(DIRECT), <cmw>(DIRECT), <cng>(DIRECT), cnmtl(DIRECT),
<coast>(DIRECT), <cognos>(DIRECT), <comcorp>(DIRECT),
<comdev>(DIRECT), <comiss>(DIRECT), <compus>(DIRECT),
<computeractive>(DIRECT), <comrad>(DIRECT), <comspec>(DIRECT),
<conamara>(DIRECT), consensys(DIRECT), <contrad>(DIRECT),
<conxsys>(DIRECT), <courier>(DIRECT), <cspace>(DIRECT),
<cstream>(DIRECT), <csys>(DIRECT), <ctivcr>(DIRECT), cvgis(DEDICATED),
<cyberca>(DIRECT), <daacsys>(DIRECT), <datacorp>(DIRECT),
datarev2(DIRECT), datarev(DIRECT), <ddical>(DIRECT), <ddimtl>(DIRECT),
<ddiott>(DIRECT), <dditor>(DIRECT), <ddivcr>(DIRECT), <dec2>(DIRECT),
<defran>(DIRECT), <delphax>(DIRECT), <delrina>(DIRECT),
<devcan>(DIRECT), <digifix>(DIRECT), <dlomas>(DIRECT),
<dogmead>(DIRECT), <dpryan>(DIRECT), <druid>(DIRECT), dweomer(DIRECT),
<dynatek>(DIRECT), <dynix>(DEDICATED), <eaitc>(DIRECT),
eastern(DIRECT), <eci386>(DIRECT), <ecicrl>(DIRECT), <edfor>(DIRECT),
<edtel>(DIRECT), <electro>(DIRECT), <elegant>(DIRECT),
<emcon>(DIRECT), emjhq(DIRECT), <eridani>(DIRECT), <etches>(DIRECT),
<excalibur>(DIRECT), <eyepoint>(DIRECT), fci(DIRECT),
<fdpdagca>(DIRECT), <flemol>(DIRECT), focsys(DIRECT),
<frumious>(DIRECT), <fultech>(DIRECT), <futuretron>(DIRECT),
<gallium>(DEDICATED), <geac>(DIRECT), <genchip>(DIRECT),
geovision(DIRECT), <giants>(DIRECT), <giffels>(DIRECT),
<globetrl>(DIRECT), gnn(DIRECT), <goal>(DIRECT), <golddisk>(DIRECT),
<gpxa>(DIRECT), gtm-inc(DIRECT), <hcc-uni>(DIRECT), hclx(DIRECT),
<hombas>(DIRECT), <honcan>(DIRECT), <husky>(DIRECT), <hyper>(DIRECT),
<hypercube>(DIRECT), <iatco>(DIRECT), <iatech>(DIRECT),
<ibmcac>(DIRECT), <icomos>(DIRECT), <icsca>(DIRECT), <idc>(DIRECT),
<idon>(DIRECT), <iffarch>(DIRECT), <imax>(DIRECT), <imcan>(DIRECT),
<incontex>(DIRECT), <incontext>(DIRECT), <infocorp>(DIRECT),
infodes(DIRECT), <infopol>(DIRECT), <infoware>(DIRECT),
<internex>(DEDICATED), <intgrl>(DIRECT), <iotek>(DIRECT),
<isgtec>(DIRECT), <itcyyz>(DIRECT), <itncorp>(DIRECT), <jacc>(DIRECT),
<jade-ott>(DIRECT), <jericho>(DIRECT), jetform(DIRECT),
<joymrmn>(DIRECT), <jtl>(DIRECT), <jtsv16>(DIRECT), <kanatek>(DIRECT),
<keeps1>(DIRECT), <kimhq>(DIRECT), <kink>(DIRECT), <klg>(DIRECT),
<klnet>(DIRECT), <koperwas>(DIRECT), <korsa>(DIRECT), <krw>(DIRECT),
learnix(DIRECT), <lexus>(DIRECT), <linkage>(DIRECT), <liplus>(DIRECT),
<lira>(DIRECT), <litcosys>(DIRECT), <locon>(DIRECT), logibec(DIRECT),
<logibro>(DIRECT), lslcan(DIRECT), <lsuc1>(DIRECT), <lsuc>(DEDICATED),
<ltg>(DIRECT), <lvision>(DIRECT), <magra>(DIRECT), <marconi>(DIRECT),
<matrox>(DIRECT), <maxon>(DIRECT), <mayahtt>(DIRECT),
<mbutler>(DIRECT), <mckenna>(DIRECT), <mdcomp>(DIRECT),
<mdesk>(DIRECT), <meadow>(DIRECT), <mercer>(DIRECT), <mer-pq>(DIRECT),
<mersys>(DIRECT), <mer-tor>(DIRECT), <mer-vcr>(DIRECT),
<mesca>(DIRECT), <metras>(DIRECT), <metrotor>(DIRECT),
<mhccat>(DIRECT), <micor>(DIRECT), <midwal>(DIRECT), <mirus>(DIRECT),
mitel(DIRECT), <mitra>(DIRECT), <mmilne>(DIRECT), <mohan>(DIRECT),
<monenco>(DIRECT), <mongrel>(DIRECT), <moore>(DIRECT),
<mosaidti>(DIRECT), <mpbt>(DIRECT), <mrutsec>(DIRECT),
<mstrange>(DIRECT), <mtlex>(DIRECT), <multip>(DIRECT),
<musecorp>(DIRECT), <nailcan>(DIRECT), <ncrcan>(DIRECT),
ndigital(DIRECT), <neotext>(DIRECT), <nertec>(DIRECT), netrix(DIRECT),
<nmx>(DIRECT), <nobis>(DIRECT), <norlite>(DIRECT), noweh(DIRECT),
<nt-lab>(DIRECT), <nynet>(DIRECT), <obc>(DIRECT), <objectar>(DIRECT),
<ocunix>(DIRECT), <oghosp>(DIRECT), <ohcscc>(DIRECT), <ohgpu>(DIRECT),
<ohpspd>(DIRECT), ohrd(DIRECT), <olnmicro>(DIRECT),
<openstor>(DIRECT), <opensys>(DIRECT), <ortech>(DIRECT),
<oti>(DIRECT), <oup-can>(DIRECT), <pcgbase>(DIRECT), pci(DIRECT),
<pcscav>(DIRECT), <peer>(DIRECT), <pegasys>(DIRECT),
<pinetree>(DIRECT), <pipetron>(DIRECT), <planmati>(DIRECT),
<planmatics>(DIRECT), <platform>(DIRECT), <plsys>(DIRECT),
<pmss1>(DIRECT), pmtnitg(DIRECT), <polymor>(DIRECT),
<prior>(DEDICATED), <prismt>(DIRECT), <promis>(DEDICATED),
pscinc(DIRECT), <psi-on>(DIRECT), <psti>(DIRECT), <pucnet>(DIRECT),
<puka>(DIRECT), <puredata>(DIRECT), <qnetix>(DIRECT),
<quantum>(DIRECT), <raivac>(DIRECT), <rcorco>(DIRECT),
<redrock>(DIRECT), <revcan>(DIRECT), <rgbcan>(DIRECT), <rgdc>(DIRECT),
<rmotion>(DIRECT), <r-node>(DEDICATED), <rogers>(DEDICATED),
<rose>(DEDICATED), <sangeo>(DIRECT), <saolgate>(DIRECT),
<schedsol>(DIRECT), <sciex>(DEDICATED), <scilink>(DEDICATED),
<scotiamc>(DIRECT), sdm(DIRECT), <seachg>(DIRECT), <second>(DIRECT),
<shark>(DEDICATED), <sidefx>(DIRECT), <siemlon>(DIRECT),
<siemtor>(DIRECT), <sirus>(DIRECT), <snitor>(DEDICATED),
<snsi>(DIRECT), <soden>(DIRECT), <softbbs>(DIRECT), southprt(DIRECT),
<spctrm>(DIRECT), <spectr>(DIRECT), <spndrt>(DIRECT), <sqlx>(DIRECT),
<statsrus>(DIRECT), <stepping>(DIRECT), <strateg>(DIRECT),
<stss>(DIRECT), <sunlife>(DIRECT), <sunman>(DIRECT), <sutek>(DIRECT),
<svarun>(DIRECT), <swouug>(DIRECT), <synamic>(DIRECT),
synchronics(DIRECT), <syndesis>(DIRECT), <synectic>(DIRECT),
<tabb>(DIRECT), <tcb>(DIRECT), <tdkcs>(DIRECT), <techmag>(DIRECT),
<telesun>(DIRECT), <tgb>(DIRECT), <thb>(DIRECT), <thetis>(DIRECT),
<thinkage>(DEDICATED), <thplus>(DIRECT), tilsys(DIRECT),
<timberjk>(DIRECT), <tomqnx>(DIRECT), toradm(DEDICATED),
<torag>(DIRECT), <toresi>(DIRECT), torinet(DIRECT), <torrie>(DIRECT),
<tpci>(DIRECT), <transact>(DIRECT), <trimark>(DIRECT),
<trmtech>(DIRECT), <truger>(DIRECT), <tsb-intl>(DIRECT),
<tsbuucp>(DIRECT), <tscansc1>(DIRECT), <tsegw>(DEDICATED),
<tsgfred>(DIRECT), tsltor(DIRECT), <tslwat>(DIRECT), tsmith(DIRECT),
<tsypac1>(DIRECT), tunix(DIRECT), <tvo>(DIRECT), <txbase2>(DIRECT),
<u36>(DIRECT), <uccdp>(DIRECT), <unitel>(DIRECT), unitelns(DIRECT),
<unitelps>(DIRECT), <utai>(DIRECT), <uubrew>(DIRECT), uuisis(DIRECT),
uuserve(DIRECT), <vernon>(DIRECT), <vizbiz>(DIRECT), <vpimtl>(DIRECT),
wacss(DIRECT), web(DEDICATED), <weston>(DIRECT), <wildcan>(DEDICATED),
<willow>(DIRECT), <wmsical>(DIRECT), <woldring>(DIRECT),
<wordwright>(DIRECT), xenitec(DIRECT), <xgml>(DIRECT),
<xonxoff>(DIRECT), <yrloc>(DIRECT), <yuggoth>(DIRECT),
zentron(DIRECT), <zeus>(DIRECT), <zohar>(DIRECT), <zooid>(DEDICATED),
#N uunorth, uunorth.north.net, .north.net, north.net, accesspt.north.net
#S Various - LAN + Servers, network of i386/i486, NetBlazers; UNIX SVR4
#C A. Aylward
#E uunorth!uunorth
#T +1 416 225 8649
#P Unit 6304, 3555 Don Mills Rd, Willowdale, ONT M2H 3N3
#L 43 40 N / 79 23 W city
#R Digital Connectivity for Canada and Northern USA
#W uunorth@uunorth (UUNORTH Administration); Mon Jun 14 19:09:18 EDT 1993
# Support, consulting and network planning
# Full News, E-Mail, gateways
uunorth <.north.net>(LOCAL),
lethe(LOCAL), # Public non subscriber channel
accesspt = accesspt.north.net
uunorth = uunorth.north.net
uunorth = uunorth.on.ca
#N vdhc, vdhcomp.on.ca
#S i386; Interactive UNIX 3.0
#O Van den Heede Computing
#C Sid Van den Heede
#E postmaster@vdhcomp.on.ca
#T +1 519 746 0576
#P 56 Margaret Avenue South, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 2C9
#L 43 28 10 N / 80 30 15 W
#R Consulting and software development. BatchMaster for UNIX.
#U tdkcs.waterloo.on.ca
#W sid@vdhcomp.on.ca (Sid Van den Heede); Tue Mar 9 13:47:38 EST 1993
# Software development; consulting; communications;
# contract programming.
# Authors of BatchMaster for UNIX.
vdhc = vdhcomp.on.ca
vdhc vdhcomp.on.ca(LOCAL), .vdhcomp.on.ca(LOCAL)
vdhc uunet.ca(DEMAND),
#N ve3faq
#S CBM Amiga 1200 OS3.0 + UUCP v1.16D;
#O Private UUCP Node
#C Scott McIntyre
#E ve3faq!smc
#T +1 519 571 0559
#P 110 Autumn Hill Crescent, Kitchener, Ontario, CANADA
#L 43 27 N / 80 29 W city
#R This is a home machine for news and mail purposes
#U lemsys
#W lemsys!clemon (Craig Lemon); Sat Jul 31 10:00:00 EDT 1993
# Revised map entry -- this machine is now fully operational.
# Site name is the amateur radio callsign of its owner (Feb/93)
ve3faq lemsys(DAILY) # upstream mail and news (14400 bps v.32bis)
#N ve3ied
#S AST Premium 386 (5Mb RAM / 340 Meg); SCO Xenix System V Release 2.3.2
#O TFMCS (Toronto FM Communications Society)
#C William J. Duncan (VE3IED)
#E bduncan@ve3ied, ve3ied@robohack
#T +1 416 693 5960
#P Box 643, Station "R"; Toronto, Ont; Canada; M4G 4E1
#L 43 45 N / 79 20 W city
#R Software Patent info and email
#W robohack!ve3ied!bduncan (William J. Duncan); Sun Jan 19 22:51:10 EST 1992
# This machine may not be available during the day
ve3ied robohack(EVENING)
#N ve3wrn
#S IBM 386/33 - MSDOS;
#O Randy Nelson, VE3WRN
#C Randy Nelson
#E ve3wrn!postmaster
#T +1 519 884 2989
#P 197A Cedarvale Cr., Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA N2L 4T3
#L 43 30 00N / 80 33 00W city
#R Multi-purpose software depot
#U hookup
#W hookup!mskucher (Murray S. Kucherawy); Thu Jul 15 18:35:51 EST 1993
ve3wrn hookup(EVENING) # HookUp Communications - mail feed
#N vef
#S Fujikama 486; SCO UNIX 3.2v4
#O UNIX Solutions
#C B. Wayne Collins
#E vef!postmaster
#T +1 416 540 7787
#P 1001 Bay St, #3109, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 3A6
#L 43 42 N / 79 32 W city
#W vef!wayneco (B. Wayne Collins); Wed Jul 15 16:00:17 EDT 1992
vef canrem(DIRECT+FAST),
#N vernon, vernonrentals.ca
#F uunet.ca
#S Sparc IPC; SunOS 4.1.2
#O Vernon Rentals and Leasing
#C Gana Arumugam
#E gana@vernonrentals.ca
#T +1 416 539 0500
#P 1209 King Street West Toronto, ON, M6K 1G2
#L 43 39 N / 79 23 W city
#U uunet.ca
#W postmaster@uunet.ca (The Postmaster); Mon Jul 5 01:36:45 EDT 1993
vernon = vernonrentals.ca
vernon vernonrentals.ca(LOCAL), .vernonrentals.ca(LOCAL)
vernon uunet.ca(DIRECT)
#N vicuna
#S 80386-SX, IBM-XT clone (networked); TAMU Linux 0.99p4
#O Private home system, had some extra CPU time.
#C Steve Frampton
#E vicuna!postmaster
#T +1 613 547 5987
#P 501-A Princess St., Kingston, ON, Canada K7L 1C3
#L 44 14 N / 76 30 W city
#R guest account available, +1 613 547-5066, see below
#U micor ember gtm-inc
#W vicuna!postmaster (Steve Frampton); Thu Feb 15 17:03:14 EST 1993
# login as 'guest', no password required
vicuna = vicuna.ocunix.on.ca
vicuna micor(EVENING+FAST), #9600 bps connection
<ember>(LOCAL), #news only
<gtm-inc>(LOCAL) #news only
#N vizbiz, vizbiz.com
#F uunet.ca
#O Visible Decisions Inc.
#C Paul Philp
#E pphilp@vizbiz.com
#T +1 416 864 4162
#P 65 Front Street West Suite 116-140 Toronto, ON, M5T 1E6
#L 43 39 N / 79 23 W city
#U uunet.ca
#W postmaster@uunet.ca (The Postmaster); Fri May 15 15:27:13 EDT 1992
vizbiz = vizbiz.com
vizbiz vizbiz.com(LOCAL), .vizbiz.com(LOCAL)
vizbiz uunet.ca(DIRECT)
#N voskamp, voskamp.waterloo.on, ca
#S Atari MEGA ST4 running TOS 1.4 and Hermes UUCP v1.03b;
#O Jeff Voskamp's home machine
#C Jeff Voskamp
#E jeff@voskamp.waterloo.on.ca
#T +1 519 888 7456
#P Apt 909, 400 Parkside Drive, Waterloo Ont., Canada N2L 6E5
#L 45 37 N / 77 45 W city
#U mitra focsys
#W jeff@voskamp.waterloo.on.ca (Jeff Voskamp); Thu Jul 15 22:29:00 EST 1993
voskamp = voskamp.waterloo.on.ca # our prefered name
voskamp .voskamp.waterloo.on.ca(LOCAL), # our full domain name
mitra(DAILY/2), # news and mail
focsys(DAILY/2) # more news and mail
#N vyper
#S Amiga 2000; Amiga DOS
#O not a organization
#C Bill Staudt
#E bill@vyper
#T +1 519 969 3872
#P 3549 Woodward, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N8W 5G4
#L 42 26 20 N / 83 4 24 W city
#R Personal news/mail/hacking/fun machine
#U jabba
#W jabba!pjohnson.UUCP (Palmer Johnson); Sun Mar 31 06:15:22 EST 1992
vyper jabba(DEMAND) # 2400 baud connection; mail some news
#N wa3zia
#S 386 PC; MS-DOS 3.3 and UUPC/pcmail 1.0095
#O Larry's home system
#C Larry Kayser
#E wa3zia!larry
#T +1 613 234 3816
#P 36 Glebe Ave, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 2C1
#L 45 25 N / 75 42 W city
#W phil@dgbt.doc.ca (Phil Blanchfield); Mon Mar 8 14:58:16 EST 1993
# leaf node to dgbt for mail only
wa3zia dgbt(DIRECT)
#N walter
#S Generic IBM PC-clone 486/25;
#O GRW Enterprises
#C Fred Walter
#E mks!walter!fred, fredw@mks.com
#T +1 519 746 1582
#P B3-5, 280 Phillip St., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3X1
#L 43 27 20 N / 80 32 37 W city
#U mks xenitec u36
#W mks!walter!fred (Fred Walter); Thu Apr 15 11:03:08 EST 1993
# In the following: WP - we poll,
# TP - they poll (we never call),
# BP - bidirectional poll
# LOW=1200bps, HIGH=2400bps, FAST=Telebit
walter mks(DAILY+FAST), # BP - mail, main news
xenitec(DAILY+FAST), # WP - mail
u36(WEEKLY+FAST) # TP - mail
#N wardrop
#S 386/33; MS-DOS 5.0
#O Wardrop Engineering Inc., Toronto, Canada
#C Vic Kulikauskas
#E wardrop!postmaster
#T +1 416 673 3788
#P 600-6725 Airport Rd., Mississauga Ontario, Canada L4V 1V2
#L 43 41 40 N / 79 38 20 W
#U beltrix
#W wardrop!vic (Vic Kulikauskas); Wed May 5 11:50:00 EST 1993
wardrop = wardrop.guild.org
wardrop beltrix(HOURLY)
#N watcgl
#S DECsystem 5400; Ultrix 4.2
#O Computer Graphics Laboratory, University of Waterloo
#C Ian! D. Allen
#E watcgl!admin_sys
#T +1 519 888 4534
#P 200 University Avenue, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
#L 43 27 22 N / 80 32 30 W
#R Computer Graphics Research central machine
#W watmath!gamiddleton (Guy Middleton); Tue May 5 15:34:49 EDT 1992
watcgl WaterlooNet,
bitslice(DEMAND), vadan(HOURLY+LOW)
#N watmath
#S MIPS RC6280; RISC/os 4.52
#O Math Faculty Computing Facility, University of Waterloo
#C Bill Ince, Guy Middleton
#E watmath!wcwince, watmath!gamiddleton
#T +1 519 885 1211 x3472
#P 200 University Avenue, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
#L 43 27 20 N / 80 32 37 W
#R Main U. of Waterloo mail/news/admin site
#U alberta thinkage
#W watmath!gamiddleton (Guy Middleton); Mon Mar 1 12:55:16 EST 1993
watmath .uwaterloo.ca, .waterloo.edu
watmath = watmath.uwaterloo.ca, watmath.waterloo.edu
watmath = math.uwaterloo.ca, math.waterloo.edu
watmath = uwaterloo.ca, waterloo.edu
# Local phone calls
arundel(WEEKLY), ember(EVENING), thinkage(EVENING),
# USA Internet
# Ontario Internet
# Canada Internet
# Logical U of Waterloo LAN, well-known nodes only
WaterlooNet = {
watcgl, # Computer Graphics
watserv1 # Computing Services
#N watserv1
#S Sun 4; SunOS
#O Department of Computing Services, University of Waterloo
#C Bruce Lennox
#E watserv1!postmaster
#T +1 519 885 1211 x3274
#P 200 University Avenue, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
#L 43 27 20 N / 80 32 37 W
#R Usenet relay
#U mks watmath ria
#W watmath!gamiddleton (Guy Middleton); Wed Jun 10 14:19:46 EDT 1992
watserv1 WaterlooNet,
mks(HOURLY), maplesoft(DAILY/4)
#N web, web.net, .web.net, web.apc.org, .web.apc.org
#F mail.web.net
#S AMI 386/40MHz ISA bus; Interactive 3.0 UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2
#O Nirv Non-Profit Community Resource Centre
#C Bruce Becker
#E web!technical
#T +1 416 596 0212
#P 401 Richmond St W., Ste. 104, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
#L 43 42 00 N / 79 21 00 W
#R Web is an international computer communications system
#U uunet.ca webfido bctf cdp
#W technical@web.net (Bruce Becker); Tue Jul 27 10:09:06 EDT 1993
# Web is an international computer communications system offering
# electronic mail, computer conferencing, and database services.
# A broad cross-section of environment, development, peace,
# humanservice, education and government organizations use Web.
# Web is accessible via Dialup, Internet, Datapac and APC networks.
web = web.net, web.apc.org
web <.web.net>(DEDICATED),
#N webfido, webfido.fidonet.org, .f406.n250.z1.fidonet.org
#F mail.web.net
#S Mylex 386 AT; MS/DOS-fido(FrontDoor 2.02)-ufgate
#O Nirv Non-Profit Community Resource Centre
#C Bruce Becker
#E web!technical
#T +1 416 596 0212
#P 401 Richmond St W., Ste. 104, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
#L 43 42 00 N / 79 21 00 W
#R Web's FidoNet gateway
#U web
#W becker@web.net (Bruce Becker); Tue Jul 27 01:14:57 EDT 1993
webfido = p0.f406.n250.z1.fidonet.org
webfido = f406.n250.z1.fidonet.org
webfido = webfido.fidonet.org
webfido <.f406.n250.z1.fidonet.org>(DIRECT),
#N wgen
#S AXIS 8642 (Intel 80486); SCO UNIX 386 3.2v2.0
#O WGenesis Inc.
#C David A. Wilmering
#E wgen!postmaster
#T +1 519 741 9207
#P 92 Barwood Crescent, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2E 1V1
#L 43 25 N / 80 31 W city
#R High-tech Business Consulting
#W mongrel!amdunn (Andrew M. Dunn); Fri Oct 23 23:04:19 EDT 1992
wgen mongrel(DEDICATED) # upstream mail feed
#N whizzo
#S STD PC; MS-DOS 5.0 (using Waffle)
#O Whizzo Chocolate Company
#C Paul Maclauchlan
#E whizzo!postmaster
#T +1 416 827 6152
#P Oakville, ON, Canada
#L 43 28 N / 79 43 W city
#R personal mail machine
#W whizzo!paul (Paul Maclauchlan); Sun Sep 6 21:32:25 EDT 1992
whizzo moore(DAILY), becker(DIRECT)
#N whome
#S i80486 50Mhz; ESIX SysV 4.0.4
#O Wrede's Home
#C Andreas Wrede
#E whome!andreas
#T +1 416 968 2942
#P 35 MacLennan Ave, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4W 2Y5
#L 43 41 00 N / 79 21 43 W
#R development and mail system
#U robohack lsimages scilink qwpage camaro noweh
#W whome!andreas (Andreas Wrede); Sat May 15 23:15:03 EDT 1993
whome camaro(DIRECT+HIGH), # mail,news
comspec(DIRECT+HIGH), # mail
druid(DIRECT+HIGH), # mail
lethe(DIRECT+HIGH), # mail
lsimages(DIRECT+HIGH), # mail,news
noweh(DIRECT+HIGH), # mail,news
qwpage(DIRECT+HIGH), # mail,news
robohack(DIRECT+HIGH), # mail,news
scilink(DIRECT+HIGH), # mail,news
telly(DIRECT+HIGH), # mail
woffi(DIRECT), # mail
wjes(DIRECT) # mail
#N wildcan
#S Sun 3/280; SunOS 4.1.1
#O Computervision GIS
#C Brian L. Plante
#E wildcan!blplante
#T +1 416 508 8020 x866
#P 45 Vogell Rd, Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4B 3P6
#L 43 51 54 N / 79 22 43 W
#U utzoo sq dciem tmbskh uunet.ca yzrnur torag gis2000
#W wildcan!blplante (Brian L. Plante); Fri May 28 10:18:50 EDT 1993
wildcan = cvgis.cv.com
wildcan sq(DIRECT),
#N woldring, woldring.com
#F uunet.ca
#S MacIntosh; System 7
#O Woldring and Company Ltd
#C Roelf Woldring
#E rwoldring@woldring.com
#T +1 416 928 0230
#P Suite 12, 45 Spadina Rd. Toronto, ON, M5R 2S9
#L 43 38 N / 79 22 W city
#U uunet.ca
#W postmaster@uunet.ca (The Postmaster); Tue Mar 2 12:50:05 EST 1993
woldring = woldring.com
woldring woldring.com(LOCAL), .woldring.com(LOCAL)
woldring uunet.ca(DIRECT)
#N xbrix
#S DEC MicroVAX 3100; VMS V5.5-1
#O Crowntek Business Centers Inc.
#C Tarif Halabi, Tom Yu
#E xbrix!postmaster, xbrix!tyu
#T +1 416 507 5070, +1 416 507 5077
#P 5990 Avebury Rd, Mississauga, Ont, L5R 3R2 Canada
#L 43 43 N / 79 31 W city
#R Running DECUS uucp V1.3
#W xbrix!thalabi (Tarif Halabi); Fri Jul 24 16:41:05 EST 1992
# and ANU News 6.0
xbrix yunexus(DEAD), utcsri(DIRECT), bkj386(DIRECT)
#N xenitec, xenitec.on.ca, .xenitec.on.ca, xenitec.xenitec.on.ca
#S 80486/DX2/66; SCO Unix System V release 3.2v4.2/ODT 3.0
#O XeniTec Consulting Services
#C Ed Hew
#E xenitec!postmaster
#T +1 519 570 9848
#P 199 Silver Aspen Cr., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2N 1H5
#L 43 27 N / 80 29 W city
#R SCO Authorized UNIX, Xenix and OpenDeskTop training; applications, installations, support, consulting, and general UNIX handholding.
#U zswamp sco electro mks lemsys tdkcs
#U pcssc mongrel walter golem mitra amdsi dogmead rmotion focsys
#U uunet.ca looking.clarinet.com news-host.ms.uky.edu rain.psg.com
#U olivea.atc.olivetti.com news.cerf.net kragar.eff.org hermix.markv.com
#U anomaly.sbs.risc.net wimsey.bc.ca math.uwaterloo.ca news.byu.edu
#U usenet.sco.com c-nntp.siu.edu
#W xenitec!edhew (Ed Hew); Thu Jul 22 21:43:15 EDT 1993
# Home of the biz.sco.* newsgroups<>mailing lists gateway.
# Canadian UUCP maps and many CA domain registrations are handled
# from xenitec, courtesy of the Internet in general and specifically
# the kind folks at UofT, UofW and UUNET Canada.
xenitec .xenitec.on.ca
xenitec = xenitec.on.ca
xenitec = xenitec.xenitec.on.ca
xenitec amdsi(DAILY), # downstream mail, some news
bata(DAILY), # downstream mail, some news
campana(DAILY), # downstream mail
dogmead(HOURLY+FAST), # downstream mail, some news
electro(HOURLY+FAST), # Telebit downstream mail, news
escsys(DAILY), # downstream mail
emgee(DAILY/4+FAST), # downstream mail
focsys(DAILY/5+FAST), # downstream mail, news
golem(DAILY/6), # downstream mail, news
gypsy(DAILY/4), # downstream mail
itncorp(DAILY/4), # downstream mail
lemsys(DAILY/2), # downstream mail, news
lsuc(DIRECT*2), # SMTP mail link
ltg(DAILY/4), # downstream mail
mitra(DIRECT+FAST), # downstream mail, some news
mks(HOURLY+FAST), # downstream mail, some news
mongrel(DAILY/4), # downstream mail, some news
pcssc(DAILY), # downstream mail, some news
rmotion(DAILY/6), # downstream mail, some news
<sco>(DIRECT), # SMTP mail, NNTP news
tdkcs(DIRECT+FAST), # Telebit downstream mail/news feed
telco(DAILY), # downstream mail
tirith(DAILY/4), # downstream mail, some news
uunet.ca(DEDICATED), # SMTP upstream mail, NNTP news, IP provider
walter(DAILY+FAST), # Telebit downstream mail/news feed
xensoft(DEDICATED), # SMTP downstream mail/link
zswamp(DAILY) # downstream mail/news
xenitec .electro.com(HOURLY+FAST), electro.com(HOURLY+FAST),
.emgee.on.ca(DAILY/4+FAST), emgee.on.ca(DAILY/4+FAST),
.itncorp.ca(DAILY/4), itncorp.ca(DAILY/4),
.lsuc.on.ca(DEDICATED), lsuc.on.ca(DEDICATED),
.golem.waterloo.on.ca(DEDICATED), golem.waterloo.on.ca(DEDICATED),
.mitra.com(DIRECT+FAST), mitra.com(DIRECT+FAST),
.mks.com(HOURLY+FAST), mks.com(HOURLY+FAST),
.tdkcs.waterloo.on.ca(DIRECT+FAST), tdkcs.waterloo.on.ca(DIRECT+FAST),
.telco.waterloo.on.ca(DAILY), telco.waterloo.on.ca(DAILY),
#N xgml
#S Sun 4/330; BSD UNIX
#O Exoterica Corporation
#C Norbert Winklareth
#E nw@xgml.com
#T +1 613 722 1700
#P 1545 Carling Ave, Suite 404, Ottawa Ontario, Canada, K1Z 8P9
#L 45 25 N / 75 42 W city
#R SGML Consultants and Product Developers
#U uunet.ca
#W xgml!nw (Norbert Winklareth); Mon Jun 28 12:14:35 EDT 1993
xgml = xgml.com
xgml uunet.ca(DEMAND)
#N xrtll
#S IBM-AT compatible; SCO Unix Ver 2.3.2
#O WCOM, Toronto, Ont.
#C Richard Snider
#E xrtll!rsnider
#T +1 416 237 0796
#P P.O. Box 336, Thornhill, Ontario, CANADA L3T 2A4
#L 43 47 N / 79 59 W city
#U itcyyz
#W xrtll!rsnider (Richard Snider); Wed Apr 14 14:58:12 EDT 1993
# We run a small, out of the way, moderately well connected
# almost public unix system. This system doubles as our office
# system. If you wish access to our system in the Toronto
# area, you may get it by being refered by one of our users, or
# by contacting me. rsnider@xrtll No phone calls please
xrtll bokonon(DIRECT), # Mail only
geac(POLLED), # Mail only
itcyyz(DIRECT), # Full News in, some mail
united(DIRECT), # Mail only
zooid(POLLED), # Mail, some news downstream
torag(POLLED) # Mail, some news bidirectional
#N yank
#S 386 clone; MS-DOS 5.0 + MKS UUCP
#O Wales Family Computing
#C Rich Wales
#E richw@mks.com, mks!yank!rich
#T +1 519 579 0045
#P 12 Meadow Woods Crescent, Kitchener, Ontario N2N 1S5, CANADA
#L 43 25 N / 80 32 W city
#R UUCP experimentation and personal mail
#W richw@mks.com (Rich Wales); Thu Jan 21 16:27:14 EST 1993
yank mks(DAILY)
#N yrloc, yrloc.ipsa.reuter.com
#S Intel S302 (80386/25); Unix System V.3.2 (386/IX 2.0.2)
#O Reuter:file Ltd., Toronto
#C Leigh Clayton
#E yrloc!loc
#T +1 416 364 5361 x202
#P 2 First Canadian Place, Suite 1900, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5X 1E3
#L 43 39 20 N / 79 23 15 W
#R Usenet Portal for research and Development
#U itcyyz
#U tmsoft
#W loc@yrloc.ipsa.reuter.COM (Leigh Clayton); Mon Mar 08 16:48:21 UTC 1993
# full bidirectional feeds
# partial feeds
# APL Language Development, Databases, Timesharing, Packet Networking
# in the following: WP - we poll, TP - they poll, BP - bidirectional poll
# LOW=1200bps, HIGH=19200bps Telebit
yrloc tmsoft(HOURLY*2+HIGH), # WP - mail, partial news
itcyyz(HOURLY+HIGH) # WP - mail, full news
#N yuggoth, yuggoth.org
#F uunet.ca
#S Commodore Amiga 3000; AmigaDOS 2.0
#O The Leningrad Carrot Conspiracy
#C Ron Harding
#E rbharding@yuggoth.waterloo.on.ca
#T +1 519 747 4852
#P 510J Albert St. N. Waterloo, ON N2L 3V4 Canada
#L 43 28 N / 80 31 W city
#U uunet.ca
#W postmaster@uunet.ca (The Postmaster); Thu Nov 12 16:18:39 EST 1992
yuggoth = yuggoth.org
yuggoth yuggoth.org(LOCAL), .yuggoth.org(LOCAL)
yuggoth uunet.ca(DIRECT)
#N yzrnur
#S Unix SysVr4;
#O Yzrnur Consulting
#C Rene Lampe
#E yzrnur!rene, yzrnur!root, yzrnur!postmaster
#T +1 416 737 7717
#P 20 Baif Blvd, Apt 1009, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, L4C-8T1
#L 43 42 N / 79 46 W city
#U rubble wildcan rcfct
#W yzrnur!rene (Rene lampe); Wed Jun 30 16:39:26 EDT 1993
# TP - They Poll
# WP - We Poll
# BP - Bidirectional Poll
# M - Mail
# N - News
# MN - Mail/News
colosus(DAILY), # (TP) (M) - Colosus (Private Site)
crwth(DAILY), # (TP) (M) - C.J. Enterprises
grimm(WEEKLY), # (TP) (M) - Grimm (Private Site)
nomad(DIRECT), # (TP) (M) - Nomad The Roaming UUCP Node
rubble(DIRECT+HIGH), # (BP) (MN) - Rubble (Private Site)
rcfct(DAILY), # (TP) (MN) - Radio Control Flying Club Of Toronto
ryder(DAILY), # (TP) (M) - Ramware
spanky(DAILY), # (TP) (M) - Private Site
sq(DIRECT+HIGH), # (BP) (M) - SoftQuad
squish(DAILY), # (TP) (M) - Squish (Private Site)
tmsoft(DAILY), # (BP) (M) - Tm Software Associates
wildcan(DIRECT+HIGH) # (BP) (MN) - Computervision GIS
#N zentron
#S Intel 403E 80486/33; SCO Open Desktop Release 2.0
#O Zentronics
#C Pierre Lazo
#E zentron!postmaster
#T +1 416 564 9600
#P 5600 Keaton Cr., Mississauga Ontario
#L 43 44 N / 79 43 W city
#R Authorized SCO Advanced Product Centre and Authorized SCO training
#U uunet.ca
#W zentron!pierrel (Pierre Lazo); Sun Apr 18 10:42:10 EDT 1993
zentron uunet.ca(HOURLY), # Mail link (UUNet Canada)
scocan(HOURLY), # Mail link (SCO Canada)
#N zeus, cp.ca
#F uunet.ca
#S Everex 486 PC; SCO Unix
#O Canadian Pacific
#C Philip Chow
#E pchow@cp.ca
#T +1 416 367 7418
#P Computers and Communications Suite 1200 40 University Ave, Toronto, ON, M5J 1T1
#L 43 39 N / 79 23 W city
#U uunet.ca
#W postmaster@uunet.ca (The Postmaster); Thu Jul 8 11:48:12 EDT 1993
zeus uunet.ca(DIRECT)
zeus cp.ca(LOCAL), .cp.ca(LOCAL)
zeus uunet.ca(DIRECT)
#N ziebmef
#F ferut.sys.toronto.edu
#S AT&T 3B1; System V Unix
#O Ziebmef Public Access Unix
#C Chris Siebenmann
#E ziebmef!postmaster, ziebmef!sysop, ziebmef!cks
#T +1 416 654 1512
#P 65 Rosemount Ave E, Toronto, Ontario, M6H 2M4
#L 43 40 37 N / 79 31 50 W
#R personal unix machine/public access Unix/hacking toy
#U ncrcan becker telly moore berner contact
#W utgpu!cks (Chris Siebenmann); Tue Nov 24 00:44:37 EST 1992
# The Ziebmef itself can be reached at 654-8854 or 654-6192.
# The Ziebmef is also extremely inactive.
ziebmef = ziebmef.mef.org
# News connnections:
<ncrcan>(DEAD), # downrated due to news flown
# just about everything. our
# primary feed
<becker>(DEAD), # we swap usrgroup, alt, unix-pc,
# and pubnet
<telly>(DEAD), # we swap pubnet and some comp and
# rec groups
<moore>(DEAD), # amiga binaries groups
<berner>(DEAD) # talk.bizarre
# <contact>(DEAD),
# Mail connections:
# chp(DIRECT+LOW), tmsoft(DIRECT),
# lethe(DIRECT), kneller(DAILY),
# chance(DAILY), lsuc(DIRECT+LOW),
# <graham>(DAILY), <firefall>(WEEKLY*2),
# Registering:
# bkj386(DAILY*2), hybrid(DIRECT)